De 78LV97hds Le 2014-05-05 20:04:03
Israel was established as an ousotpt of Western colonialism and imperialism by force of superior organization, superior arms, and superior allies in a war of conquest. The solid Jewish majority in Israel (about 80% Jewish (overwhemingly colonialist immigrant) , 20% Palestinian) was achieved by brutal, armed ethnic cleansing, which drove about 700,000 Palestinians from 1948 Israel. Zionism has always been an ally and tool of the then strongest imperialist power in the region, briefly the Ottomans, then the British, now the US. (The brief period when conflict with the British was dominant over collusion with them against the natives, ie, the Palestinians, does not change this fact. This birth pang associated with the maturation of Zionism, the breakup of the British Empire, and the ascendancy of US imperialism as the dominant regional and world power, was minor compared to the long term alliance of Zionism and British imperialism against the nascent and weak Palestinian national movement.) The colonialist and imperialist nature of Zionist Israel is further confirmed by the fact that as its alliance with British imperialism ruptured, its alliance with US imperialism was being cemented, as well as its eventual alliance with racist, apartheid, and fascist South Africa. The US-Israeli alliance reached its zenieth with the alliance between the most reactionary elements of the ruling classes in both countries, Sharon in Israel and Bush and the neocons in the US, who have attempted to merge and carry out the Clean Break strategy of Israeli aggression adopted by Netanyahu combined with Project for a new American Century vision of the US as the unchallenged world hegemon. Both have suffered serious defeats, the Israelis in Lebanon in the July 2006 war and the US in Iraq, and to a lesser extent in Afghanistan. However, the issue is by no means settled. A rise to power in Israel of a Netanyahu-Lieberman government during the last lame duck year of the Bush administration -or during the term of ANY likely successor, Democrat or Republican (all of whom are committed to aggression in Iraq, Iran, and Palestine) will set the stage for a renewed radical escalation of the MidEast war, with Israel waging war from Gaza and the West Bank to Lebanon and Syria and the US from Iraq thru Iran to Afghanistan. In these circumstances, the Zionists will attempt to complete the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and however much of the rest of the Land of Israel (Netanyahu) or Eretz Yisroel (Lieberman) they are able to militarily conquer. This is the joint Israeli-US plan for the region, along with permanent US occupation of Iraq (the recent South Korean model pipedream, the permanent bases, including the stupendous US Embassy, and the (pipedream of ) regime change thru military conquest in Iran. Wake up and smell the coffee. This is reality of US-Israeli policy and action. All the talk of achieving stability in Iraq, a diplomatic solution of the Iran nuclear problem and a peaceful resolution of the Palestinian question thru a two-state solution are mere subterfuges. These platitudinous absurdities (and they are absurd in light of the facts on the ground) are themselves part of the US-Israeli war preparations, designed on the one hand to isolate and outmanuver their opponents, and on the other to distract from, to provide smokescreens for, the real war preparations escalating daily. (The increasing Israeli settlement of the West Bank and Jerusalem area with armed paramilitary colonial settlements, the relentless building of the illegal Eclosure (Entombment) Wall, the Israeli only by pass roads, which dice up the West Bank into easily isolated and invaded cantons, the economic strangulation of Gaza and the West Bank, the bombing and strafing of Gaza, the assassination or imprisonment of much of the democratically elected Hamas Palestinian leadership, the open collusion of Israel and the US with the most collaborationist elements of Fateh, the US surge and bases in Iraq, the presence of three US aircraft carrier groups within striking distance of Iran two in the Persian Gulf the talk of preparing for total war in Israel, and carpet bombing of Gaza , the movement in the UN fomented by the US to pass Chapter 7 resolutions against Iran over its nuclear program and Lebanon over the assassination of Harari, both of which, if passed could be enforced by military means, the plans to build a US air base in Lebanon, the specious, patently ridiculous comparisons of third world minor power oil export dependant Iran to mighty Nazi Germany (the greatest military and industrial power of all the capitalist countries in Europe before WWII) and the Iranian nationalist Ahmadinejad to Hitler, and the equally ridiculous comparison of Israel with the fourth most powerful armed forces in the world including between 200 and 600 nuclear weapons and overall weaponry unmatched in quality by any country but the USA and an as yet unconditional alliance with the world's only superpower, the US with the Jews of pre-WWII Europe., etc. LIES OF THIS MAGNITUDE IN SUCH STUNNING AND TOTAL CONTRADICTION TO THE FACTS ON THE GROUND DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH PREPARING FOR PEACE.