Forum - CHAPITRE : VI : Les papiers du capitaine

CHAPITRE : VI : Les papiers du capitaine

On rejoignit alors le docteur qui dînait au château, chez son ami M. Trelawney. Dès que M. Dance fut reparti,
Jim remit le rouleau de toile cirée au docteur. On y découvrit un cahier de comptes s’étalant sur vingt ans et une carte avec une légende indiquant l’emplacement du fabuleux trésor de Flint.
Le châtelain Trelawney décida alors d’aller à bristol pour affréter un bateau, l’équiper et partir avec ses hôtes et ses serviteurs Hunter, Joyce et Redruth à la recherche du trésor : Jim serait le garçon de cabine, le chevalier Trelawney l’amiral, le docteur Livesey le médecin de bord, Joyce, Redruth et Hunter (serviteurs du chevalier), feront également partie du voyage.
CHAPITRE : VII : Je vais à Bristol ( p : 57 à 62 )
Le docteur alla chercher un remplaçant à Londres tandis que M. Trelawney se rendit à Bristol afin d’acquérir un bateau, l’équiper et engager un équipage. Des semaines s’écoulèrent, enfin arriva une lettre du chevalier apprenant à ses amis qu’il avait acheté une goélette baptisée ‘’ L’Hispaniola ‘’ grâce à Blandly, son vieil ami. Il avait aussi engagé 6 ou 7 marins avant de tomber sur l’homme qu’il fallait : un vieux marin unijambiste propriétaire d’un café : Long John Silver qu’il engagea comme maître-coq. Et c’est ce cuisinier qui choisit le reste de l’équipage après s’être débarrassé de deux matelots engagés par M. Trelawney sous prétexte de leur incompétence.
Jim, sous l’œil vigilant de Redruth alla faire ses adieux à sa mère qu’il trouva en bonne santé et fort heureuse car, avant son départ, M. Trelawney avait rénové l’auberge et engagé un garçon qui remplacerait Jim durant son absence. Le lendemain, Jim et Redruth allèrent rejoindre M. Trelawney à Bristol. Le docteur était arrivé de Londres la nuit et le départ fut fixé pour le lendemain.

De Mixlox Le 2020-03-05 09:17:02

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De Mixlox Le 2020-01-09 12:48:33

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De rardslore Le 2019-10-13 11:29:37

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De Ainsindimils Le 2017-08-14 03:41:47

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De 5qnLvZ6sbk Le 2013-08-01 08:45:19

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De PmCCllJOvIZ Le 2013-07-30 05:24:44

Hello,Please would you forward this to your mermebs if your think it would be of interest to them and or publicise it on/in your website and bulletinMany thanks,Gay Jones,Kernow. CROSS COUNTRY SEMINARAnnouncing our annual XC Seminar in EuropeThis year we will be presenting the seminar at Monte Cucco in Italy from 19 August to 25 August 2012. The course consists of talks and actual flying practice under the guidance of instructors. It is intended for pilots of intermediate and better skills. Student pilots should at least know the basics of thermal soaring. We will work on all the skills necessary to be a good cross-country pilot. If some pilots have superior skills we will work with them on competition skills if so requested. Typically we have 12 students in the class and three instructors so that each day there are four students assigned to each instructor. These groups vary throughout the course. This arrangement has worked very successfully in the past eleven years. This year we are adding a new format with a download of student’s GPS flight record and an analysis of the flights.FORMATThe seminar takes place over seven days (normally we have an informal gathering the night before to get acquainted). The daily schedule* is typically:Presentation—8:30 until 10:30am.Loading gliders and driving to the hill—10:30 to 12:00.Setting up and discussing task for the day—12:00 to 1:00pm.Flying—afternoon.Evening debrief and flight analysis—7 to 8:30pm.The presentation consists of lecture and drawings covering all the topics in the course outline. These are presented by Dennis Pagen, mainly, with inputs from the other instructors as well as plenty of room for student questions. Students learn best when they know which of their capabilities they want to improve. These wishes of improvement are the starting points of the presentations. Along with them many aspects of xc flying will be covered.*Note: the times listed above will vary with the site and conditions of the day.EQUIPMENTIt is desirable to have a double surface glider to maximize cross-country potential. However, we have had single surface gliders and many intermediate gliders fly cross-country. Pilot skill is the most important factor, and this is what we work on most. Items that improve the effectiveness of the course greatly are a 2-meter radio, cell phones with local sim card and a GPS device. The last two items are for a quick retreive, the radio allows the instructors to give constant feedback and to enhance staying together in the air. Flying together and getting personal feedback is what gives you a boost. A working radio set and GPS makes this possible. Work your radio systems as well as all your equipment out before the course for maximum value. And this year we will be downloading track logs, comparing them and learning from the flight details. Finally, we recommend having note-taking ability because we present so much information that it cannot all be remembered.FLYINGEvery day when it is flyable, we will get ready as efficiently as possible, then we will discuss the day’s task. It will be chosen according to the conditions of the day. The task will be chosen to be challenging but safe. The groups will be roughly divided so that pilots of similar skills will fly together. There may be different tasks for the different groups.The instructors will remain with their assigned groups as much as possible to help with thermaling, gliding and decision-making. Sometimes we will go ahead to mark thermals, and sometimes we will wait for slower pilots. The whole effect is that students will have many other pilots helping throughout most of the flight. The emphasis is on improving the skills of each student. And, of course, we intend it to be FUN!Costs of this XC Seminar will be €325 (euros).If you’ve had a notion to improve your cross-country skills or go XC for the first time, as well as fly one of the best sites in Europe, be sure to join us this summer. For more information contact Annet at . She keeps the records of communication and finances.See you in the Sky,Dennis Pagen

De omar 3/22 razi Le 2011-05-11 16:42:29

merci beaucoup pour l'effort

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